
Why It Works


Work-life harmony: Redefined

Guess what the #1 requested employee benefit is? Access to healthier vacations. That’s right. And guess what else—employees who vacation each year are more productive, happier at work and perform at higher levels. (SHRM Vacations Impact on the Workplace)

When done correctly, workplace wellness programs give employees incentives, tools, and strategies to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors.

Support employee well-being with access to the most comprehensive wellness program on the market—featuring healthier vacations and wellness incentives that promote a balanced and more harmonized lifestyle!

No more “I need a vacation from my vacation!” Your employees return to work refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated after time spent at a spa, a yoga retreat or a hike through stunning landscape.

Great news for your employees, and great news for your organization’s productivity and employee retention.

Holistically healthy employees are


More Satisfied With Their Job


More Likely to Stay for 1 Year


More Productive

Supporting Articles & Studies

Download MetLife’s 20th Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study 2022

The Rise of the Whole Employee: 20 Years of Change in Employer-Employee Dynamics

Download the study >>

Are Employees More or Less Productive Than They Were in 2020?

Read the article >>

7 Key Trends that Will Define Corporate Travel & Expense in 2022

Download the guide >>

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